CHAINFIST Completes Work On Pre-Production Recording; Audio Available

April 25, 2007

Denmark's CHAINFIST has completed a three-day recording session at Nifelheim Studios with producer Søren Jensen.

Commented guitarist Michael Kopietz: "It's has been an amazing time for CHAINFIST in the studio, and the result came out just perfect. We are very satified and proud to present these four songs: 'Chainfist Blues', 'Glass House', 'Jern Glorie' and 'Raise Again' for the fans world wide."

Check out the music at

CHAINFIST will record its full-lengh album in early September. Mixing duties will be handled by Ziggy, producer and owner of ZigZound Studios, who has worked with such bands as ILLDISPOSED, HATESPHERE and NEPHEW.

Formed in the summer of 2006, CHAINFIST features in its ranks former/current members of FROZEN SUN, PANZERCHRIST, D-DRIVE, RÁCORE, 12GAUGE and INFERNAL DEATH. According to a press release, "CHAINFIST's style is a mixture of progressive rock with a touch of violent-yet-groovy, hard-hitting metal beats."


Paul Owens - Vocals
Jesper Heidelbach - Drums
Tim Madsen - Guitars
Braca Pedersen - Bass
Michael Kopietz - Guitars

For more information, visit

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